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Art engages and challenges pupils and embodies some of the highest forms of human creativity. We strive to unlock our pupils’ creativity and true potential with a rich and diverse art curriculum and through the exploration of art from both classical masters and contemporary artists.

The Art curriculum at Holy Trinity C of E Primary School is rooted and focussed on creating learners that reflect our Christian values. We believe that a high quality art education should inspire and challenge our pupils. Our curriculum is carefully designed to maximise our pupil’s knowledge and develop their skills. The children use a range of media and skills are revisited and built on each year and our pupils have the opportunity to develop their techniques using a wide range of materials.  

The units of work are informed by the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum including appropriate subject knowledge, skills and understanding to explore, create and evaluate artwork. The units offer the children the opportunity to learn about famous artists throughout history, focusing on new skills and techniques related to that artist. Our KS2 pupils create sketch books to record their observations and to review and revisit ideas.

Intent, Implementation and Impact