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The Governing Body is required by the Government to have three core functions:

  1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
  2. Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff.
  3. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure the money is well spent.


In order to run the school efficiently the governors are divided into two main committees which meet at least termly to cover different aspects of the school in detail. Each committee has its own delegated powers and functions and are clerked by school admin staff. Governors are allocated to these committees in order to make best use of their expertise:

1. Pupil, Curriculum and Community (PCC) Items such as Behaviour, Attendance, SEN, School Meals, Pupil Premium and Pupil Progress, are standard items on the agenda. We look at the provision and practice within the school to provide a creative an inspiring curriculum which fosters good learning habits and last a lifetime. Sometimes staff members talk to the governors about their action plans and any new curriculum initiatives they are leading. Governors try to attend special focus days and curriculum events, reporting back to the committee. They also support community events organised by the school and the PTFA.

2. Finance, Premises and Personnel (FPP) is involved in budget setting, in order to make best use of the financial resources available to secure school improvement and high standards of education for all. The use of Capital funding is monitored to ensure that the premises are repaired and maintained to a high standard. Energy Conservation and Health and Safety checks are regularly carried out. We aim to provide a safe and stimulating environment in which pupils can learn effectively. This committee also has the responsibility for the strategic deployment of staff.

We have other committees that meet if required to consider pupil discipline and staffing matters. All governors are expected to undertake training and to visit the school in session in order to gain first hand experience of the day to day activities. Governors carry out their legal duties as a group and are not allowed to act as individuals.

The minutes of the Full Governing Body and Committee minutes are available on request in the school office.

The two sub-committees have specific responsibilities.

Pupil, Curriculum and Community:

  • Attendance
  • Breakfast Club,
  • Equal Opportunities
  • Extra Curricular
  • Medical Care / Health Plans
  • Pastoral Care
  • Professional Development
  • Pupil Premium
  • Transition
  • Sex Education

Finance, Premises & Personel:

  • Breakfast Club
  • Finance
  • Premises
  • Human Resources
  • Schools Financial Value Standard
  • General Data Protection Regulation


The Governing Body of Holy Trinity (V.C) C of E Primary School was reconstituted in October 2020. It is currently made up of:

  • 2 Teaching Staff (including the headteacher)
  • 4 Elected Parent governors
  • 2 Foundation governors, one appointed by the Diocesan Board of Education (DBE) and the other by St Andrews PCC. The Rector of St Andrews Church is an ex-officio governor. These governors have a specific role in preserving and developing the ethos of the school, including its religious character.
  • 1 Local Education Authority representative
  • 3 Co-opted governors appointed by the governors, who have the skills required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school.

The full Governing body meets four times each year, a Business meeting in September to plan the year, appoint the officers, staff the committees and arrange the dates and times of the other three termly meetings. At these meetings we benefit from the support and advice of an independent and professional clerk. Our current clerk is Mrs Alison Shields, who took up office in March 2019.

As you can see from the table below the Governing Body at Holy Trinity Primary School represents a wide range of the local community, from Teaching Assistants, members of the local Church, parents, teachers and members of the local community.

If you are interested in the role of the school Governor, or would like to contribute to the school as a member of the Governing Body, please keep an eye out for vacancies as they will be advertised via this website.

Code of Conduct

All Holy Trinity Governors sign up to a code of conduct provided by Essex County Council. This document is available to view on request.


The Clerk to Governors c/o Holy Trinity Primary School, Beridge Road, Halstead, Essex, CO9 1JH, Tel: 01787 472096

Should you wish to raise an issue with the Governing Body relating to Holy Trinity School letters can also be sent to the Chair of Governors at the address above.

Matters relating to individual children should always be discussed with class teachers, and if necessary Miss Todd, before contact is made directly with the Governing Body if you are still concerned.