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How does spiritual development enable all pupils at Holy Trinity to flourish?

Provision for the spiritual development of pupils includes developing their: 

  • ability to be reflective about their own beliefs (religious or otherwise) and perspective on life
  • knowledge of, and respect for, different people’s faiths, feelings and values 
  • sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning about themselves, others and the world    around them
  • use of imagination and creativity in their learning
  • willingness to reflect on their experiences.

This language of spirituality begins from a Christian understanding that everyone is a valued creation, individually and uniquely made by God, like pots made by a potter (Isaiah 64:8). Yet, in life things happen that impact on the physical ‘pot’ of life and create cracks that provide a glimpse of something ‘beyond’ the tangible. Christians would view this as an opportunity to relate to the Divine Creator God.

How is the Holy Trinity’s approach to the spiritual development of all distinguishable from social, moral, and cultural development?

Roles and Responsibilities
Recognising there are opportunities for enhancing the spiritual well-being of learners in every aspect of our school life, every member of our staff team is committed to support this spiritual growth wherever appropriate.

Equally rich spiritual opportunities, regardless of age, exist across the curriculum and these enable the development of curiosity through questioning that helps adults and pupils to explore and articulate spiritual and ethical issues. Pupils value learning and enjoy questioning, listening, and responding creatively across a range of subjects

Collective Worship is the beating heart of Holy Trinity C of E Primary School. It provides the opportunity for our school community to share experiences, ideas and understanding. It is the context in which the language of spirituality, which we use as a school, is regularly and explicitly shared. They are offered an understanding of worship by being invited to participate in, or observe, Christian spiritual practices such as: prayer, reading and reflection on the Bible and liturgy and are introduced to different musical traditions.

Learning activities in RE provide for the needs of all pupils, offering a safe space to explore their own religious, spiritual and/or philosophical ways of seeing, living and thinking, believing and belonging. They provide opportunities to engage in meaningful and informed dialogue with those of all religions and worldviews, linking these to pupils’ ideas of spirituality

Spirituality within the Ethos of the Daily Life of the School 

In Holy Trinity C of E Primary School we view spiritual growth as is that it is an ongoing, reflective journey. It is something that teaches us about questioning, understanding and relationships: relationships with ourselves, others, the world and beyond.These opportunities happen throughout each and every day as children deal with delight, disappointment and the chance to be present with themselves. For this reason, every member of the school community, including MDSA and administrative staff are familiar with the school’s shared language of spirituality and will respond to pupils appropriately.
Spiritual development is evident in the teaching and learning of music, singing, art and dance. Reflection time in Collective Worship gives children another daily opportunity to think about answers to challenging questions.  Different composers, songwriters and traditional and modern hymns extend this experience. Enriching art events such as Art Solutions creations and visiting sculptors give children a feeling of awe and wonder. We visit our natural environment in the school grounds and surrounding area for the children to experience the wonders of nature during the changing seasons.  This includes Forest School, the outdoor mindfulness garden, Gardening Club and a Lunchtime Wellbeing Hub. The Reflections Area invites adults and children alike to reflect on the day and themes from collective worship. Children can also share prayers in a reflection prayer box with St Andrew’s Church. 
We offer mental health support to children who need it so that they can access the curriculum successfully. The school’s Quiet Room is a place for children who need to find peace and calm within their day.

Spiritual Conversation Starters